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Study Habits by Zodiac Sign
By Carmen Fanning on January 26, 2021

Study Habits by Zodiac Sign Today I’ll be your astrological counselor on the best way to tackle college this semester. Our zodiac signs say a lot about us, even our study habits. What are...

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Time Management: The Most Important School Supply
By Shayna Ede on January 21, 2021

Time Management: The Most Important School Supply I don’t know about how everyone else feels, but high school was much easier than college. I am not talking about classes in particular, but...

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My Experience at FHSU
By Trinity Wagner on January 19, 2021

My Experience at FHSU College, a time where you pursue a higher education to obtain credentials for your dream job. It is also a time where you become more independent, explore different...

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Happy Holidays Feel-Good News
By Fort Hays State University on December 15, 2020

Happy Holidays Feel-Good News This has been one wild sleigh ride into winter break. Who could have prepared for something like COVID-19 taking over all of 2020? Even when I heard the news...

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By Sienna Rodriguez on December 10, 2020

Internships Oh, college internships. Some people want them, some people don’t. While this may be a little biased, I’d have to say that those who don’t are missing out. Completing an...

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The Importance of Staying Balanced
By Shayna Ede on December 3, 2020

The Importance of Staying Balanced Living a balanced lifestyle is very important in any part of life, but in college, it seems to be most important. College, for most, is in the early...

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