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Mental Health in College
By Sienna Rodriguez on February 16, 2021

Mental Health in College The conversation surrounding mental health has always come with a stigma. This is a topic that is never taken lightly and that most people don't like talking about...

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Study Spots Around Town
By Carmen Fanning on February 11, 2021

Study Spots Around Town Believe it or not, your study spot plays an integral part in the success of your productivity while studying. Lucky for you, the great town of Hays offers numerous...

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Inspiring Quotes for College Students
By Bailey Werner on February 9, 2021

Inspiring Quotes for College Students Words have power. The best ones keep you thinking long after they’ve been said. They can go so far as changing the way you feel and completely flipping...

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A Day in the Life of an Ultrasound Student
By Carmen Fanning on February 4, 2021

A Day in the Life of an Ultrasound Student My alarm goes off at 6:15 a.m. I groan, not even the sun is out yet. It's Monday morning and I just spent the entire weekend studying for 2 tests,...

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College Search Process Advice for Parents
By Carmen Fanning on February 2, 2021

College Search Process Advice for Parents The college search process is an exciting time for both parents and students. It is what parents had hope to prepare their child for; ensuring they...

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Experience of Studying Abroad
By Sienna Rodriguez on January 28, 2021

Experience of Studying Abroad Want to get out of your comfort zone while fully immerging yourself in the unknown of another culture? Studying abroad is the perfect match for you! (And I...

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