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Student Life (2)

Tips for Long-Distance Relationships in College
By Sienna Rodriguez on April 27, 2021

Tips for Long-Distance Relationships in College Many people think trying to maintain a long-distance relationship in college isn't possible. If you go into it with that attitude, it will...

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The Importance of Having Hobbies as a College Student
By Bailey Werner on April 15, 2021

The Importance of Having Hobbies as a College Student While we may be Fort Hays State tigers, we are also busy bees, constantly buzzing from one class to the next. Many of us also have jobs...

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Things to do on the Weekends
By Shayna Ede on March 18, 2021

Things to do on the Weekends When people think of college students on the weekends all they see is bright lights, loud music, and lots of dancing. What people don’t imagine is the weekend...

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A Day in the Life of an Ultrasound Student
By Carmen Fanning on February 4, 2021

A Day in the Life of an Ultrasound Student My alarm goes off at 6:15 a.m. I groan, not even the sun is out yet. It's Monday morning and I just spent the entire weekend studying for 2 tests,...

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The Importance of Staying Balanced
By Shayna Ede on December 3, 2020

The Importance of Staying Balanced Living a balanced lifestyle is very important in any part of life, but in college, it seems to be most important. College, for most, is in the early...

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How to Strategically Balance Work, Life, and Education in 4 Steps
By Fort Hays State University on October 1, 2020

There's an ongoing conversation surrounding whether or not a person can do or have it all. While some believe the answer is no, there are many others who believe it's really just about...

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